I hope you guys enjoy my sunfllower.... yes that is my hair in the middle, I mean why let it go to waste?? Ivan says it will be out of the room today because it has a bunch of shit in it, and it will contaminate the room....he's being lame!
Enjoy!!... more crafts to come... :)
Haha thats a beautiful Hairflower there, Miss Patty. Your soo artistic & very thoughtful...Anyhow just wanted to tell you that eventhough i havent talked to you since your wedding or left you a comment i been thinking of you a lot & following your blogs. We been thinking of you a lot & keeping you in our prayers but like you mention before god doesnt give us anything we cant handle so stay strong Patty cakes ke todo primeramente dios vasalir bien. ke dios te bendiga a ti en especial, a tu esposo y a toda tu familia y amistades ke te keremos mucho. Mis mejores desos Hortencia Aguayo
ReplyDeleteJust wanted to let u know on paintings from kk and Bella mama told them u like pink so they wrote pink on painting they wanted them to brighten your room and give it a touch of home. We are all looking forward to you coming home. The sooner the better love kk Bella Lisa and nana
ReplyDeleteGracias Hortencia!! Aprecio muchisimo tus oraciones y pensamientos lindos:) sigo la lucha aqui, no me voya dar por vencida! Gracias por pensar en mi, saludos a toda la familia!! Espero en ver los MUY pronto!! Mucho amor, patty
ReplyDeleteLinda, Hilda told me about how the girls decided to write "pink" on the paintings because they were told it was my favorite color, I laughed soooo much when I heard that!! Those silly and thoughtful girls!! The paintings look amazing in my room! They are bright and colorful like I like! Looking forward to seeing you soon, and yes the SOONER the better!!! :) thanks for everything! Lots of love, patty
Awwwwsommmme!!! Just like an artist to put her whole self into it ;) And might I add you look beautiful. i love seeing that cheese